Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Okay I guess I am on a roll of being reflective but I am reminded about something God laid on my heart a few years back. Have you ever watched birds? I mean really watched them? The Bible tells us in Matthew 6:26 about looking at the birds and see how He cares for them and how much more important we are to Him than birds. Then, I think about what the world teaches us. Maybe I should say what we are teaching our children. I have come to realize we have distorted "the American Dream" into the idea of success based on owning your own home, driving a nice car, etc. This somehow has become our measurement of success. How many "toys" we gain along the journey. But when I think of the acronym B.I.R.D. it reminds me to Believe In the Real Dream. You see, our mansion is not here on earth. We should be focused on the real dream of our mansion in Heaven. Why should we be so worried about obtaining all of these material things right here on Earth when it is only temporary? I am not saying it isn't okay to have a home, a car, etc. I am just saying don't make that our sole motive and purpose in life. That should only be a small portion of our efforts. So, may I encourage you to look at what treasures you are storing up here on Earth. Remind yourself that Earthly treasures are not where real happiness is. Focus on the treasures being the family and friends and those moments with loved ones that we are given. Believe In that Real Dream...dream of what lies ahead and enjoy life's blessings along the way. Don't stress yourself out over comparison to what you have vs. what others have. Enjoy life's moments daily. Then, when you look back on your life you can feel confident in knowing you truly lived your life. I certainly don't want to look back and wish I had taken more time to make memories.


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