Tuesday, October 20, 2015

My Journey

I truly believe each of us have within us the ability to make life great. We don't all have the same pocketbook or the same opportunities financially, but my belief is God made our paths uniquely and wonderfully different. There's a reason for that. We share life differently because God has many facets to the way He shares His story. I don't believe the old saying that we all have the same shot at this life, but I DO believe we have the same opportunity to do something great with what we are given. In total honesty I don't WANT to walk the same path as someone else. I don't want to achieve my dreams the same way you do. If your journey is going great and you are having an awesome time then I am truly happy for you. But please don't think I am not living the best life possible because I don't choose the same path as you. I want to live MY life not YOUR life. To be completely honest, I am human and there are times I look at others' homes or their cars and wonder what it would be like to have the same. However, those things don't even compare to the beautiful moments of my life I have been given. To me those beautiful memories and moments will carry me through for the rest of my life. If that sounds like I am settling; well, maybe so. It means I am comfortable in settling for the journey that is uniquely mine. The neat part...God ain't through with me yet smile emoticon


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