Thursday, October 22, 2015

Laundry day

It seems so strange that I would think about laundry especially when it is raining cats and dogs around here. But there is just something sweetly comforting about the smell of fresh clothes right off the line. I can remember being a kid and hating to hang out the laundry while it was dripping wet, but oh that feel of those sheets when taking them down. Have you ever really thought about the little special moments in life that we take for granted? Although my list could go on and on I think about those things when things around me seem to be swirling like a tornado. This fast paced life can really stress you out if we let it. The weekend is right around the corner so why not make it a point to enjoy some of the simple things in life. Enjoy that first morning sunlight with a cup of warm coffee (or tea) and listen to the birds announce a new day. Watch the swirling of the beautiful leaves of fall tumbling along their own little journey. Open the windows, even if for only an hour, and allow fresh air to come in. Tie on a cute apron and make something special to share with someone just because. LIVE and take a moment to breathe. Life is what we make of it. And, if your weather is a little brighter than in my town....hang out a load of sheets and breathe in that freshness. Take time to enjoy those moments; you deserve it!


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